Lately, just, everyone seems so mad and sad. When I'm driving to work. I see so much. Every corner of every light, there's someone with a sign asking for money and help. And then the rest of the way it's just honking and swearing and shaking of fists. And that's hard for me. All of it. Because I just kind of wake up and am in love with the world for no particular reason except for that there are clouds in the sky and I can feel and laugh and, I mean, even get sad, I guess. I don't know how it goes. And I don't know what I'm doing either, ultimately. I don't know. But trying to be here. In the best way that I can.
Because I know it wasn't what we expected it to be. But, I just wonder, why did we expect it to be any way at all? That's what I wonder.
This world is kind of pretty crazy most of the time. To live in and to decipher. I don't know.
Well, and so I stick to the small parts of it. Cling, sort of. Because I don't know how else to do it. So I stick to the clouds, and to the laughter.
And there was the most amazing day when Zooey and I went to Pink's for hot dogs. Well, now that's certainly something you're supposed to do when you live in LA. And it's kind of amazing in it's own little way. Standing in that line at Melrose and La Brea, with everyone else. No one seems to be thinking about the bigger stuff. Which, thank god, is so nice. Those are kind of the best moments. When we stop thinking about all of this craziness and just go and get hot dogs.
That was a really nice day.